Products and Services

If you've been to the homepage of the blog, then you've seen the link to my newest book, "Time Management 101: 30 Ways to Make the Most of Your Time." I am very proud of this book and I believe you will find the tips very helpful.

I will soon publish a goal-setting book just for high school students and I would like to offer loyal readers a discount on this book prior to its release.

If you would like to get in on this special deal, please send an email to with the subject line "High School Book." That will get you on a special VIP list to get you special pricing and an advanced copy of my book.

So what are you waiting for? While you're emailing me, let me know if there is a particular subject within time management and goal setting that you would like me to cover!

Send the email now before you forget!


Wendy Stewart

Author of "Time Management 101: 30 Ways to Make The Most of Your Time," available here:

Professional Organizer, Social Media Consultant, Youth Motivational Speaker